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M. Locquet, C. Beaudart, J.-Y. Reginster, J. Petermans, S. Gillain, A. Quabron, J. Slomian, F. Buckinx, O. Bruyère

J Frailty Aging 2017;6(1):18-23

Background: Recent studies suggest that bone and muscle wasting are closely interconnected. Objective: The aim was of this study is to assess the prevalence of osteoporosis in a population of women diagnosed with sarcopenia. Participants, setting and design: We analyzed cross-sectional data of women, aged 65 years and above, for whom bone mineral density was available at the time of inclusion in the SarcoPhAge (Sarcopenia and Physical impairment with advancing Age) cohort, an ongoing prospective study with the aim to assess consequences of sarcopenia. Measurements: Muscle strength was evaluated with a hydraulic hand-dynamometer, appendicular lean mass and bone mineral density by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and physical performance by the Short Physical Performance Battery test (SPPB). Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People definition, i.e. a low muscle mass plus either low muscle strength or low physical performance. A bone mineral density T-score equal to or below -2.5SD at the lumbar spine, at the total hip or at the femoral neck was used to define osteoporosis (World Health Organization definition). Results: A total of 126 women aged 74.38±6.32 years were included. Among them, 26 were assessed with sarcopenia (20.6%) and 34 (27.0%) with osteoporosis. There were more osteoporotic women among sarcopenic subjects (46.1%) than among non-sarcopenic subjects (22.0%) (p-value=0.011). A significant lower appendicular lean mass index was observed in osteoporotic women (p-value=0.025). We also observed, in osteoporotic subjects, a lower muscle strength (p-value=0.023). Numerical values of bone mineral density were lower in the sarcopenic population but the differences did not reach the level of statistical significance. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that muscle mass and strength are lower in patients with osteoporosis. Prospective changes in bone and muscle mass will be investigated during the follow-up of our cohort.

M. Locquet ; C. Beaudart ; J.-Y. Reginster ; J. Petermans ; S. Gillain ; A. Quabron ; J. Slomian ; F. Buckinx ; O. Bruyère (2016): Prevalence of concomitant bone and muscle wasting in elderly women from the SarcoPhAge cohort: preliminary results. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA). http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2016.111

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