journal articles
J.K. Chhetri, P. Chan, L. Ma, D. Peng, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, M. Cesari, B. Vellas
J Frailty Aging 2019;8(1):2-6
As aging is becoming a global phenomenon, the burden of population aging is increasing rapidly, and is soon expected to be the highest in low-and middle-income countries. China represents the world’s largest population, and will face the largest number of older individuals, while the economy still remains developing. There is an urgent need to address the negative consequences of aging such as disability, that creates a myriad of challenges, including financial burden to the economy. In order to achieve successful aging-i.e., aging without being frail or disabled, the traditional healthcare model based on a disease-centered approach is not enough, but require a more holistic course. Here, we briefly outline the current scenario of aging and disability in the Chinese older population, its impact and challenges. We strongly believe that public health initiatives centered on frailty, a clinically distinguishable state of extreme vulnerability in older adults, could be the most relevant approach to meet the current needs of the aging population. Such initiatives are immediately needed to reshape the existing model of geriatric healthcare, to promote healthy aging and to reduce the burden of disability in the Chinese population.
J.K. Chhetri ; P. Chan ; L. Ma ; D. Peng ; L. Rodríguez-Mañas ; M. Cesari ; B. Vellas (2018): PREVENTION OF DISABILITY IN THE FRAIL CHINESE OLDER POPULATION. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA).